Schema Definition

GraphQL Query, Mutation, and Subscription endpoints schema.

# Root schema definition
schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation
    subscription: Subscription

# Entry points for querying the API
type Query {
    # version represents the API server version responding to your requests.
    version: String!

    # Get primary used Artion contracts addresses.
    contracts: Contracts!

    # Get list of token collections categories.
    categories: [Category!]!

    # Get collection by address.
    collection(contract: Address!): Collection

    # List collections (all, search name or filter mintable by given user).
    collections(search: String, mintableBy: Address, first: Int, after: Cursor, last: Int, before: Cursor): CollectionConnection!

    # Get token by address and id.
    token(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): Token

    # List all tokens (with defined filter and sorting).
    tokens(filter: TokenFilter, sortBy: TokenSorting, sortDir: SortingDirection, first: Int, after: Cursor, last: Int, before: Cursor): TokenConnection!

    # List of tokens supported for payments on the marketplace.
    payTokens: [PayToken!]!

    # Get user by address.
    user(address: Address!): User!

    # List or search users
    users(search: String, first: Int, after: Cursor, last: Int, before: Cursor): UserConnection!

    # randomTrade resolves a Random ERC-721 NFT Trade by address.
    randomTrade(contract: Address!): RandomTrade

    # Get user authenticated using bearer token.
    loggedUser: User

    # Get currently set shipping address for tokens redeem.
    loggedUserShippingAddress: ShippingAddress

    # Get notification settings of logged user.
    notificationSettings: NotificationSettings

    # Get un-lockable content attached to a NFT token (only token owner).
    unlockableContent(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): String

    # Estimate platform fee and gas needed for token minting.
    estimateMintFeeGas(user: Address!, contract: Address!, tokenUri: String!): MintFeeGas!

    # Check if the operator has ApprovedForAll permission to manipulate with tokens of given owner.
    isApprovedForAll(contract: Address!, owner: Address!, operator: Address!): Boolean!

    # Search collections, tokens, and users for the given phrase and return list of relevant results.
    textSearch(phrase: String!, maxLength: Int = 15): [TextSearchEdge]!

    # Check it the logged user is a moderator.
    isLoggedModerator: Boolean!

    # List collections to be reviewed by a moderator. (moderators only)
    collectionsInReview(search: String, first: Int, after: Cursor, last: Int, before: Cursor): CollectionConnection!

    # List collections which was banned by a moderator. (moderators only)
    bannedCollections(search: String, first: Int, after: Cursor, last: Int, before: Cursor): CollectionConnection!

    # List tokens which was banned by a moderator. (moderators only)
    bannedTokens(first: Int, after: Cursor, last: Int, before: Cursor): BannedNftConnection!

# Mutation endpoints for modifying the data
type Mutation {
    # Generate login challenge to be signed by private key and used to log-in
    initiateLogin: String!

    # Use private key signed login challenge to get bearer token.
    login(user: Address!, challenge: String!, signature: String!): String!

    # Update user profile of logged user
    updateUser(username: String, bio: String, email: String!): Boolean!

    # Update notification settings of logged user
    updateNotificationSettings(settings: InputNotificationSettings!): Boolean!

    # Add token into favourite tokens of logged user.
    likeToken(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): Boolean!

    # Remove token from favourite tokens of logged user.
    unlikeToken(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): Boolean!

    # Add user into users followed by the logged user.
    followUser(user: Address!): Boolean!

    # Remove user from users followed by the logged user.
    unfollowUser(user: Address!): Boolean!

    # Update shipping address for tokens redeem.
    updateShippingAddress(address: InputShippingAddress!): Boolean!

    # Set unlockable content attached to a NFT token (only token owner and only once)
    setUnlockableContent(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!, content: String!): Boolean!

    # Increment amount of views of the token.
    incrementTokenViews(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): Boolean!

    # Approve the in-review collection (moderators only)
    approveCollection(contract: Address!): Boolean!

    # Decline the in-review collection (moderators only)
    declineCollection(contract: Address!): Boolean!

    # Ban the collection (moderators only)
    banCollection(contract: Address!): Boolean!

    # Unban the collection (moderators only)
    unbanCollection(contract: Address!): Boolean!

    # Ban the token (moderators only)
    banToken(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): Boolean!

    # Unban the token (moderators only)
    unbanToken(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): Boolean!

type Subscription {
    # Subscribe events relevant for given user (owned auction bid, etc.)
    watchUserEvents(user: Address!): Event!

    # Subscribe auction events
    watchAuction(contract: Address!, tokenId: BigInt!): Event!

Last updated