Auction is a type of Artion trade where the NFT owner offers the token for sale setting an expected reserve price. Potential buyers send bids to the open auction to obtain the auctioned NFT. The highest bidder wins and receives the NFT in exchange for their winning bid.
# Auction represents an auction being conducted on a NFT token.typeAuction { # Address of the token contract contract: Address! # ID of the token (in given token contract) tokenId: BigInt! # The seller of the item owner: Address! # The FantomAuction contract auctionHall: Address! # The auctioned amount of tokens (always 1 for ERC-721) quantity: BigInt! # The token used to pay for the auctioned item (zeros for native token) payToken: Address! # Starting price - minimal initial bid reservePrice: BigInt! # Minimal next bid (last bid + minimal increment, or the reserve price) minBidAmount: BigInt! # When was the auction created created: Time! # When the auction starts (it is not possible to bid before this time) startTime: Time! # When is the planned end of the auction endTime: Time! # When was the auction closed - resolved or cancelled (null if not closed) closed: Time # The last bid amount lastBid: BigInt # When was the last bid placed lastBidPlaced: Time # Who has placed the last bid lastBidder: Address # Winner of the auction (null if not resolved) winner: Address # When was the auction resolved (null if not resolved) resolved: Time # Is the auction creator owner of the token yet? isActive: Boolean!}