Offer Trade

Offer is a type of Artion trade where potential buyer sends an offer to an NFT owner for a token they would like to get. The initiative comes from the taker for the NFT.

# Offer represents offer from buyer to any current owner of the token.
type Offer {
    # Address of the token contract
    contract: Address!

    # ID of the token (in given token contract)
    tokenId: BigInt!

    # The offered token (detail)
    token: Token

    # The FantomMarketplace contract
    marketplace: Address!

    # The buyer
    proposedBy: Address!

    # The buyer
    proposedByUser: User!

    # The offered amount (only this exact amount can be sold)
    quantity: BigInt!

    # The token used to pay for the listed item (zeros for native token)
    payToken: Address!

    # The price for one unit of the token (total = unitPrice * quantity)
    unitPrice: BigInt!

    # When was the offer created
    created: Time!

    # When the offer stops to be valid
    deadline: Time!

    # When was the offer taken of cancelled (nil if it was not)
    closed: Time

type OfferEdge {
    cursor: Cursor!
    node: Offer!

type OfferConnection {
    # Edges contains provided edges of the sequential list.
    edges: [OfferEdge!]!

    # TotalCount is the total amount of items in the list.
    totalCount: BigInt!

    # PageInfo is an information about the current page of the list.
    pageInfo: PageInfo!

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