Auxiliary Structures

# Time represents date and time including time zone information in RFC3339 format.
scalar Time

# Cursor is a string representing position in a sequential list of edges.
scalar Cursor

# BigInt is a large (256bits) integer value, represented as 0x prefixed hexadecimal number in string.
scalar BigInt

# Address is a 20 byte Opera address, represented as 0x prefixed hexadecimal number in string.
scalar Address

# Long is 64bits unsigned integer, represented as 0x prefixed hexadecimal number in string.
scalar Long

The API server provides information about active on-chain contracts used by the Artion platform.

# Primary used Artion contracts addresses.
type Contracts {
    marketplace: Address!
    auctionHall: Address!
# TextSearchEdge is a single edge in a paginated text search output set.
type TextSearchEdge {
    # The collection, if the item is a collection.
    collection: Collection

    # The token, if the item is a token.
    token: Token

    # The user, if the item is an user.
    user: User
# PageInfo contains information about a sequential access list page.
# Specified by
type PageInfo {
    # startCursor is the cursor of the first edge of the edges list. null for empty list.
    startCursor: Cursor

    # endCursor if the cursor of the last edge of the edges list. null for empty list.
    endCursor: Cursor

    # hasNextPage specifies if there is another edge after the last one.
    hasNextPage: Boolean!

    # hasPreviousPage specifies if there is another edge before the first one.
    hasPreviousPage: Boolean!

NFT minting on Artion base collections can enforce platform fee.

# Platform fee and estimated gas for mint operation
# Return type of estimateMintFeeGas operation.
type MintFeeGas {
    # The error message, if the minting has failed in the estimating simulation.
    error: String

    # The platform fee for the token minting in native FTM tokens.
    platformFee: BigInt

    # The gas estimated to be necessary for the minting.
    gas: BigInt

Artion contracts allow only a limited set of ERC20 tokens to be used for payments between trading parties.

# PayToken represents ERC-20 token supported for payments on the marketplace
type PayToken {
    # Address of the token contract
    contract: Address!

    # Name of the token - e.g. "Wrapped Fantom"
    name: String!

    # Symbol of the token - e.g. "WFTM"
    symbol: String!

    # Number of decimals the token uses - e.g. 2 if 12.34 is stored as 1234
    decimals: Int!

    # Price of one whole token in 6-decimals fixed point integer
    price: Long!
# Direction of sorting - ascending or descending
enum SortingDirection {

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