
NFT tokens can receive likes on Artion platform. This helps potencial buyers to find interesting tokens.

# TokenLike represents a like given by a user to a token.
type TokenLike {
    # Address of the token contract
    contract: Address!

    # ID of the token (in given token contract)
    tokenId: BigInt!

    # The liked token
    token: Token

type TokenLikeEdge {
    cursor: Cursor!
    node: TokenLike!

type TokenLikeConnection {
    # Edges contains provided edges of the sequential list.
    edges: [TokenLikeEdge!]!

    # TotalCount is the total amount of items in the list.
    totalCount: BigInt!

    # PageInfo is an information about the current page of the list.
    pageInfo: PageInfo!

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